• Materials: 1
• Tris: 28,000
• Verts: 14,186
• Rigged to Zin RP
• 12 Base Color Textures + Base Color Bloody Textures
• Includes Base, Alpha, Smoothness + (Roughness), Metallic, Normal Textures
Must Credit me!
Your Discord Ad: Krisandra
Your Model Page: Must include shop link/product link AND discord tag
View my full TOS here :
By purchasing this asset you agree to the following:
1. Assets may not be traded, resold, given out in any way or form.
2. You may not sell the asset alone, ONLY on completed avatars.
3. This asset can be used commercially or personal use.
4. Can be used outside of VRChat if the files are not accessible.
5. You may use this asset on a commission as long as BOTH the commissioner and the commissionie have purchased the asset.
6. Proper information is required at checkout (VRChat name and Discord) whether personal or commercial to be valid.
7. If said rules are broken I have the right to DMCA.
8. If you are blocked by me, or banned in my server you do NOT have the right to use these assets.